Holding an event
Hold an event

Are you inspired to hold a fundraising event for HENRY? If so, you are in the right place - these pages are full of all the ideas and advice you need.

Planning your event

Consider any resources you already have available - do you play lots of sport or do you have access to a free venue? Also think about what sort of event you'd have fun organising, who you'd like to come along and what they would enjoy doing ..

A-Z of fundraising ideas

There are hundreds of different ways to raise money, from sponsored challenges and themed parties to jumble sales and carwashing. Take a look at our A-Z of fundraising ideas to kickstart your creativity and if you can add in a healthy HENRY element, then all the better!

For more information on organising events scroll down to our FAQs, or contact us for support.

Celebrate and donate

One of the easiest ways to hold a fundraising event is to make the most of an event you are already planning. Are you celebrating a special birthday, wedding or christening? Why not ask friends and family to mark your celebration in a different way this year by making a donation to HENRY?

If you contact us at fundraising@henry.org.uk, we can help you set up a donation page online or provide donation envelopes.

Registering your event

The next step is to let us know what your planning. Once you've registered with HENRY, we can support you and send you fundraising materials to help promote your event and make it a huge success.

Please complete this event registration form and email it to fundraising@henry.org.uk

Sponsorship form

If you're planning to run a sponsored event, you might also want to download and use our HENRY sponsorship form.

Paying in the funds you've raised

Thank you for raising money to support HENRY and give babies and children the healthiest start and the brightest possible future. Paying in your money is easy. Click here to see the options available.

Picnic feature
HENRY's Healthy Picnic

Why not host a HENRY picnic? Check out our Picnic Pack for posters, invitations and more

A-Z feature
A-Z of fundraising ideas

Fun and easy ideas for raising money

Paying feature
Paying in the funds you've raised

It's simple to pay in the money you've raised - just pick the option that suits you